BIM modeling
Building Information Modelling – BIM – is the intelligent modeling of data obtained in the process of designing buildings and infrastructure. This model is a description of the physical features and properties of the designed building, facility or object. It is a complete database of information about the building, facility or object starting with the idea phase to the design stage, then the construction stage to the management and operation stages of the building, facility or object. This information can be applied in the demolition phase as well.
Simply put BIM is a technology that allows us to reflect the real building in a digital 3D environment.
For this purpose we use the most advanced tool which is Autodesk Revit. This program makes it possible to gather information from many different sectors in one model (architecture, construction, installations). It allows the detection of potential danger at the design stage, which gives a possibility to avoid further complications at the construction site and increases the chance of completing the investment project according to the planned deadline. All of this is possible due to the fact that Autodesk Revit enables joint work on one general file (with the help of the connection with local copies) for designers of various branches, often located hundreds of kilometers away from each other.
Additionally, the BIM system and working in REVIT allows the calculation of material differences between the construction design and the quantities actually used on site (as a result of changes in the design during construction, etc.). By using laser scanners and Autodesk Revit we can easily perform as-built BIM validation (verification). This process significantly accelerates the subsequent modifications of the buildings, facilities or objects.